Always be first to know about the latest donations coming into the shop! Every time we get a box of something special, we'll blog it right here. That way you won't end up coming in right after the books you wanted got sold. We look forward to seeing you often and making your book shopping much easier!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Atomic Physics?

An Outline of Atomic Physics,
      by the Members of the Physics Staff of the University of Pittsburgh

What was atomic physics like in April 1946?  All I know is that "the  bomb" is not mentioned in  the book's index.  Probably because the bomb technology was still a secret at that point, maybe even from the Russians!

Other than  a little underlining, the book is in good shape. This 414 page hardcover includes many diagrams and even some photographs :one of an electric generator with a cascade- type vacuum tube. That huge thing  looks pretty weird to me.   Buy this book!  To be found in the physics section of our store, priced at $4.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monet, anyone? -- SOLD

Monet, a Retrospective

What a beautiful book for only $5- 387 pages,  including 132 color prints, and 119 black-and-white illustrations.  It would make a great gift, or keep it all for yourself.  (You can find it on the wooden stand by the arts section.)

Friday, January 7, 2011

"They're heeere..."

That huge donation of VHS cassettes is now here.  A cursory inspection shows a large number of classic foreign films.  This looks like great stuff if you use VHS technology.  Even better at only 50 cents a cassette.  And if you look hard you might even find a copy of Poltergeist in there!  In the back hall, in cartons, ask a volunteer to show you where.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

SOS: Drowning in books!

Please help us dig out from a whale of a lot of donations.  We have lots of fiction, both hardbacks and trade paperbacks, as well as some non-fiction.  (And there is more coming in tomorrow!)

Is there anyone out there who loves John Updike?  We have a box of hardcovers, each for $2.50.

What about Lilian Jackson Braun?  We have an even larger box of her Cat mysteries,  each for $2.

Both the Updikes and the Brauns can be found next to the card table by the back door.  The other books.... Well, they can be found just about  any where else.  All these books...  All in need of a home.  So please come and help us! (Gurgle, gurgle...)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Any fans of Scottish military history 'round here? -- SOLD

Just arrived: The Black Watch, A Short History by Bernard Fergusson

What is a Black Watch?  The book's frontispiece shows a  print of an 1740s soldier in a kilt.  The publisher is in Scotland.    So, guess what, the Black Watch is Scottish!  Turns out the Black Watch was a Scottish Regiment  that fought at Waterloo, Ticonderoga (probably not on the American side), Dunkirk, Normandy and all points in between.  The book is small, but filled with info and prints of the regiment's history.  Priced at $7, you can find it in the glass case.


We've come a long way, baby!

Just in, a classic of sorts! Alfred Kinsey's 1953 book Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Quite clinical and scientific in its approach, but truly a landmark book, noted for its forthrightness about a topic that just wasn't discussed or written about in the mid-20th century. Hardcover in good shape, priced at $8.50. Look for the maroon binding with black stripes in the Sexuality section.