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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Anna Sewell's Black Beauty

Black Beauty: The Grand Collection, Great Classics for Children, by Anna Sewell (oversize HC, 2008, $3)

Black Beauty was one of my favorites as a child. I must admit, just now, I sneaked a look at the end of the story and got a little teary eyed. (Shhhhh.... Please don't tell anyone!)

This is a beautiful  condensed version, with large print, and amazing one and two page color illustrations.

The author, Anna Sewell, wrote only this one book. At age 14, after developing a  bone disease, and having a fall, she became bedridden. When she was told she would  not live much longer, she began to write this book, which was published the year before she died. Black Beauty would later be used  to educated the public by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Look for this book on top of the glass book case.