The Jesus Family Tomb: The Discovery, the Investigation, and the Evidence That Could Change History, by Simcha Jacobovici (TPB, 2007, $2.25)
Ok, I usually consider myself as having an open mind, so I read this with curiosity, if some scepticism. I was not convinced. First off, James Cameron wrote the introduction. That's right, the director of Titanic introduces us to a new archaeological find. Does anyone else but me think it is strange a Hollywood personality was asked to write this introduction? Then there are all those color photos supposedly proving the book's point. Pretty photos, but to me they don't prove anything. Where the book really lost me was when they claim only Jesus' family had the same names as the ones inscribed in the tomb, or that a circle is a crown of thorns, or that a funny looking "X" was a symbol for Christ.
So why buy this book? How about because it is fun poking holes in their interpretations. Look for it on the new non-fiction table. (L- rel)