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Saturday, July 2, 2011

A motley group, to say the least !

There is absolutely no category these books fit into, except for non-fiction, and that I thought them interesting. find them on the new NF table.

The Encyclopedia of War Journalism: 1807-2010, by Mitchel P. Roth (HC, 2010, 634 pages, ex-library, but looks unopened, $4.50) 
 "Correspondents, Photographers, Media and Technology from the Napoleonic Wars to the War  in Afghanistan.  Includes Biographies, Primary Documents and Photographs, Timeline, Bibliography"

"Thirty Years in Hell" or from "Darkness to Light", by "Ex-Priest Bernard Fresenborg "who for thirty long years tread the slippery and deceitful path of abhorrent Catholicism, but who to-day stands at the Vatican's door, with the torch of Protestant wisdom,and denounces Popery with a tongue livid with the power of a living God. "(HC, ? early 1900's, binding is weak, pages are brown, $2)  Wow, I guess he doesn't think highly of Catholics. I do hope we have moved past this kind of thinking. Way past. Still, to not know the past is to repeat it.

Gifts Of Power: The Writings of Rebecca Jackson, Black Visionary, Shaker Eldress, by Hean McMahon (HC with DJ, 1981 $4.50, which is 1/3 of the internet price, ex-library only in that there is a card holder on the front of the DJ.)
Jackson was the sister of a prominent clergyman in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, but after a spiritual awakening at 35 she began preaching a radical Shaker doctrine. She walked away from everything  and everyone she knew to found a Shaker community in Philidelphia. What a brave woman!

Deliver Us From Evil: the Fantastic Experiences of a Navy Doctor Among the Terrorized Vietnam Victims of the Communists, by Thomas A. Dooley, MD. (HC with DJ, 1961 edition, $2.50, which is 1/3 the internet price)
At  age 27 Dooley found himself building and managing huge refugee camps to care for those  fleeing communist North Vietnam in 1954. He and the US navy managed to get over 600,000 to freedom in Saigon. He writes the book to tell his fellow Americans to learn from this experience. Did we learn? What did we learn? What do we think now?  This is one of those books to ponder on.

SOLD    31 Days: The Crisis that Gave Us the Government We Have Today, by Barry Werth (HC with DJ, 2006, $3)
For those of us who remember, and those of us who do not, this is the story of the days after Richard Nixon's resignation. Gerald  Ford and his staff were taking over a country torn apart. Whether you agree with his decisions or not, this is a book to read.

Lastly, histories of two countries always in the news these days:
Ancient Iraq, by Georges Roux (HC,964, $3)
The Heritage of Persia, by Richard N. Frye (HC, 1963, $2.50)