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Monday, July 16, 2012

Karl Marx, a US citizen?

Karl Marx On America and the Civil War, by Karl Marx (TPB, ?, $3)

Karl Marx, a US citizen? Probably not, but in 1845 he did consider moving to the States. Who would have thought it! Actually he was quite impressed by our technology. He was well-read regarding American economics, history, and agriculture. He hoped a proletarian revolution would follow the Civil War, but of course it never did. Interestingly, he thought the revolution would be non-violent.

At first Marx wasn't a good enough writer in English, so he had Engels write for him. Marx sent those pieces to NY under his name! Once in NY the Tribune sometimes completely rewrote "his" writing, took credit for it as their own, or just never published it. Why would he say he wrote something he hadn't? Probably because he needed the money. Living in exile in Brussels, he was both ill and broke.

Not until 1913 was it realized that Engels had written the pieces. That means Marx fooled people for more than 65 years. I find that amazing.

Look for this book on the new non-fiction table.  (L-CW)