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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Africa and African Americans

Just in, a selection of books on Africa and African-Americans.  (Look for them in the African-American section)

The two most special (in my opinion) are:

SOLD:Africa, a Geography Reader,  1930 ($3) 

Inherit the Trade, by Thomas Norman DeWolf,  TPB, 2008, AUTOGRAPHED,  ($3)
In 2001 the author found out he was related to "the most successful slave-trading family in US history, responsible for transporting at least ten thousand Africans." This is his journey as he traces his family's terrible legacy.

Africa and Tomorrow, an Outline of Basic Facts and Major Problems, by John Hatch, TPB, 1961, ($1)

A Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States, volume 1 (From Colonial Times to the Civil War), edited by Herbert Aptheker, TPB,  ($2)
"The history of the Negro people told in their own words" along with the editors comments.

The Black Americans, Interpretive Readings, edited by Seth M. Scheiner, TPB, ($2),
which covers the early years of slavery all the way to the 1960s and  Black Power.