Have you been following the news with its stories on black boxes and sleeping traffic controllers? If you are like me you wonder how safe your next flight will be. Here are some books for you to read and ponder:
For pilots-to-be, the 2004 Airplane Flying Handbook by the FAA. (Soft cover, $2)
For history buffs, The Search for Amelia Earhart, by Fred Goerner (HC, 1966, $4) Read this if you want to know what really happened in 1937- or at least what the author thought happened.
And for discussions of actual aviation safety:
George Johson's The Abominable Airlines (HC,1964, $3)
John J. Nance's Blind Trust, The Revolution in Aviation Safety- Coming to Grips with Human Failure. ( Remember the 1987 airline deregulation when competition changed the business of flying forever? HC, 1986, autographed, $5)
Look for all these books in front of the general non-fiction section