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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Northern Forests

Northeastern Wilds: Journeys of Discovery in the Northern Forest, by Stephen Gorman (oversize TPB, 2002, $2.50)

The Northern Forest contains over 26 million acres in the Adirondacks, and in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Most of these acres, far from tourist areas, are owned by private owners. Gorman travels across these lands, "by canoe, kayak, dogsled, pick-up truck, float-plane, schooner, ski, snowshoe and on foot", during all the seasons of the year. He writes about what he finds. He writes about what is starting to change, and suggests what to do to prevent it.

For me the best part, though, was not the essays but the most incredible photos. Looking at them, I found myself feeling they were in high def. Stunning, stunning, stunning. Plus they brought back memories of my trips in the White Mountains and Maine. I remember some of those views, and they were tinged with magic, and so are the photos in this book. Look for this book in the Americana section, next to the military history section, avail. 9/30.