Robben Island: Ten years as a political prisoner in South Africa's most notorious penitentiary, by Indres Naidoo (TPB, 1983, $1.50)
Robben Island is located only miles from luxury motels. Various types of prisoners were kept there. The Dutch imprisoned rebel blacks there, later it was slaves, and later still lepers. At the time this book was written both the author and Nelson Mandela were there. After ten years Naidoo was released but banned from staying in South Africa. He writes to urge anti-apartheid groups to keep fighting and for the businesses that support apartheid to cease their support, or else be "condemned" by future generations. He also writes this book to give hope and support to his countrymen.
South Africa:Black Blood on British Hands, by Charles Longford (70 page pamphlet, 1985, published by the Revolutionary Communist Party, $2)
Since this pamphlet was written by the Communist Party, you can already figure out its bias. The British government and ruling class are terrorists. Sanctions are ineffective except to appease their [the Western politicians'] "guilty consciences". Strikes by the South African workers will be the only way to bring "liberation from apartheid tyranny and imperialist domination.
One wonders what these writers think of the changes of the last 20 years. Liberation has come, but communism has not. Look for these books in the African section, avail. 9/20.