Colorado, by Louis Bromfield (HC, 1947, $2)
"A novel about the brawling west in the days of bustles and wide open towns."
Louis Bromfield was truly amazing. This novel is not.
Bromfield fought in WWI, and was awarded the French Legion of Honor. Back in America he became an author, winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1926. He also hung around a lot of other literary people, as well as entertainment greats. Bogart and Bacall even got married at his farm, Malabar.
His greatest passion was Malabar. It was the first organic and self-sustaining farm in the country. He was the first to ban pesticides. Even the US government came to his farm to test soil conservation methods.
Warrior hero, Pulitzer Prize winner, movie stars' friend, agricultural reformer... He was all these.This book is not one of his best, but check it out anyway. Look for it in the HC fiction section, available 1/4.