South Park, A Stickyforms Adventure, created by Trey Parker (HC, 1998, $2)
"Ten South Park Backgrounds and a Plethora of Moveable Plastic Pieces that Stick"
How cool is this! When I was a kid, all we had were stickyforms of child's clothing for various weather conditions, which was just fine with me. I spent many an hour playing with the board, and when I felt really creative, I would place the sun in the sky and snow garb on the boy, or rain in the sky with the boy in a swim suit. Oh, wasn't I just the most adventurous soul! The possibilities of even having a cartoon like South Park would have been unthinkable back then.
Here you can have the pleasure playing with a childhood toy, while thinking adult thoughts. You can find this book in the humor section, avail. 12/23.