Thrum's Hawaiian Annual: All About Hawaii (softcover, 1960, $3)
I don't know enough about Hawaii to tell what has changed in 50 years, but I do know that a studio apartment on Diamond Head beach no longer costs $125 for a week.
I was amazed to find out that Hawaii only became a state in 1959, even though congressional committees first recommended it for statehood in 1947. It took 7 attempts for statehood to be approved. (I wonder what the hold up was.)
Pan Am offers the fastest trip to the islands. Just a year ago 550 mph intercontinental jet clippers went into service. United has just introduced the Douglas DC-8. Of course you can also travel by luxury ocean liner.
"There are no poisonous snakes in Hawaii. Snakes passing through on ships or planes are guarded during their short stay so they cannot be lost." Hawaii was mosquito free until 1826 when a whaling ship accidentally imported them. Centipedes and scorpions are the only harmful pests. Ammonia applied to a bite will decrease the pain. Spraying DDT prevents centipedes from being there in the first place.
And make sure you learn the correct pronunciation of the words "Hawaii" and "Honolulu"!
Enjoy this trip back in time. Look for it in the travel section.