Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson ($2.75)
Moby Dick, by Herman Melville ($3)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving ($2.50)
All are stunning medium sized HCs, published in 2004, with bright padded covers, and brightly colored ribbon place-markers.
These are 3 from The Classic Library for Children, condensed and illustrated to introduce children to "a world of famous authors, characters, ideas, and stories that have been loved for generations." I have mixed feelings about condensing great works, but Moby Dick, as written, is certainly not for children. As far as I am concerned, it was not even for me, but I did manage to chug my way through, back when I was in high school. These days I look for less challenging works, at least less Victorian ones. I suspect a non-condensed Sleepy Hollow might be read out loud to children, but I KNOW Treasure Island can be. Well, the child I read it to was 82 years old, but we were both in our second childhood at the time, so doesn't that count?
Look for these books in the children's section, avail. 3/14.