The Paranoid Corporation (and 8 other ways your company can be crazy): Advice From an Organizational Shrink, by William A. Cohen, Ph.D. (HC, 1993, $2.50)
I just love this title!
This book "supplies you with an Organizational Health Analyzer, a detailed questionnaire that you can use to determine if your company is 'ill' and- if it is- what specific illness afflicts it. And for your own sanity the book explains how to create a 'sphere of wellness' around yourself, so you can manage to function while carrying out a cure. When you begin a treatment plan in your own little corner of the company, you will start to see exciting and energizing results radiating outward."
Probably way too optimistic, but hey, you have to start somewhere. Changing jobs is not much of a choice these days. But is any rocking of the boat a good idea these days? Today is nothing like 1993. What do you think? Look for this book on the new non-fiction table. (L-bus.)