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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"History of the Negro Plot" (1741) **SOLD**

The New York Conspiracy, by Daniel Horsmanden (TPB, 1971, $1.50)
I picked up this book  and wondered what it was all about. Turns out Manhattan has an ugly past. 1741 was a hard year. The economy was just coming out of a depression. The winter had been incredibly severe. Black slaves (as well as a few Indian ones) were now 20% of the population, and whites were worried about slave revolts. War with France and Spain was imminent, and  the port was vulnerable. Meanwhile new arrivals were looked at with suspicion. Were they Catholic? Were they spies?
A gang of thieves had just been convicted. Suddenly there were fires, too many to be accidental. A black man was seen running, and it became clear: black slaves, as well as some poor whites, were plotting to burn the fort, and massacre the whites! During the next 6 months 170 people would be arrested, 150 blacks and 20 whites. About 60 would eventually be released, 80 would be banished, 20 would be hung, and 13 would be burned alive at the stake. The trials did not end until the trial judges' families were also accused.

This book written in 1741 defends the verdicts.  Even today historians argue about how much of a conspiracy there was.  Read this book and come to your own conclusions, not only about what happened in 1741, but also whether such a thing could happen now.

 Look for this sad book in the African-American section, avail. 9/27.