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Saturday, September 10, 2011


A Pathway to Peace, by Gerry Adams (TPB, 1988,$1)
Who was Gerry Adams? A member of the IRA? A planner of Belfast's Bloody Friday bombings? What is known is who he is now- the president of Sinn Fein, and the head of the Irish assembly. This is his 1988 strategy for peace.

Spies in Ireland: The Most Mysterious Chapter in German/Irish War Relations, by Enno Stephen (PB, 1963, yellowed pages, $.50)
During WWII the Republic of Ireland remained neutral. Northern Ireland supported Britain. And the IRA bombed London. Was this just more of the usual, or was the IRA allied with Hitler?

The Stalker Affair: The Shocking True Story of Six Deaths and a Notorious Cover-Up, by John Stalker (HC, 1988, $2.50)
In the winter of 1982, 6 unarmed men were shot by a Northern Ireland special anti-terrorist unit. Stalker was brought in to investigate the charges of murder against the police. Some claimed the six had been assassinated. Two years later, when Stalker was finally making progress with the investigation, he was suspended. Why? Read Stalker's story and his conclusions here..

How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe, by Thomas Cahill (TPB, 1995, $2)
"As the Roman Empire fell, as all through Europe matted, unwashed barbarians descended on the Roman cities, looting artifacts and burning books, the Irish, who were just learning to read and write, took up the great labor of copying all of western literature." "It would never have occurred to [those of the Roman Empire] that the building blocks of their world would be saved by outlandish oddities from a land so marginal that the Romans had not bothered to conquer it, by men so strange they lived in little huts on rocky outcrops and shaved half their heads and tortured themselves with fasts and chills and nettle baths." And yet that is what happened. Read it here.

Look for these books (along with other new books on Ireland) on the floor of the European history section. (Avail. 9/14)