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Monday, January 30, 2012

Noah's Ark, Pitched and Parked

Noah's Ark: Pitched and Parked (Noah pitched it, God parked it to preserve it for posterity.), by Nathan M. Meyer (TPB, autographed, 1977, $2)

Don't you just love this title!  According to Meyer, God had Noah cover the Ark's wood with pitch, both on the outside and on the inside, so that it would stay preserved through the ages. God then parked the Ark on Mt. Ararat where it will be discovered when God decides it is the proper time.

Two of the pieces of evidence for the Ark being on Ararat are the rock salt crystals found at 13,500 feet, and the 50 tons of timber that were found at just about the same site. Plus there are those 29 recorded sitings the Ark.

Coming from my liberal background this is all hard for me to believe, but that may be just because of my liberal bias. Meyer does present a well thought out case. Read it and decide what you think. Look for this book in the religious section, avail. 2/1.